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Salvation 9.0 (12pk)

Salvation 9.0 (12pk)


12PK - $20.75 / BTL

Sold out!


Mystery Region

Salvation 9.0 (12pk)


12PK - $20.75 / BTL

A delicious mystery mix containing a random selection of quality vino. We can’t tell you which wines you’ll end up with ’cause we don’t know. What we do know is that this case ALWAYS sells out. Spread the word - Salvation is here.

12PK - $20.75 / BTL

Salvation 9.0 (12pk)

Salvation 9.0 (12pk)


12PK - $20.75 / BTL

Sold out!


Mystery Region

Salvation 9.0 (12pk)


12PK - $20.75 / BTL

A delicious mystery mix containing a random selection of quality vino. We can’t tell you which wines you’ll end up with ’cause we don’t know. What we do know is that this case ALWAYS sells out. Spread the word - Salvation is here.

12PK - $20.75 / BTL

Why do we love this case?

It’s Salvation time again! You might be splurging, or keeping things on a tight budget - our guarantee is that this case will deliver you value for money whichever way you are inclined. Grab this mad value mystery mix and get 12 wines for $20.75 a bottle!

The ’Fo exists for one reason: to get delicious wine to you mofos. We’re pretty good at it, but we’re not perfect. Accidents can happen and sometimes a bottle gets broken en route. It sounds like a disaster, but out of the ashes rises the most delicious phoenix of all – the Salvation Case.

Whatever the reason, whenever something happens to one bottle the rest of the case comes back to our warehouse, whether they’re $50 everyday wines or $250 super-premium worldbeaters.

We can’t tell you which wines you’ll end up with ’cause we don’t know. It’s a delicious mystery mix containing a serious mix of quality vinos. We’ll warn you though: this case always sells out so tell your mates and tell your nan – Salvation is here.

6x Salvation Wine

Mystery — Mystery Varietal

Mystery Region — Mystery Country

We can’t tell you which wines you’ll end up with ’cause we don’t know. It’s a delicious mystery mix containing a serious mix of quality vinos.

Salvation Wine

6x Salvation Wine

Mystery — Mystery Varietal

Mystery Region — Mystery Country

We can’t tell you which wines you’ll end up with ’cause we don’t know. It’s a delicious mystery mix containing a serious mix of quality vinos.

Salvation Wine

Hey Mofos!

Under the Liquor Control (Supply and Consumption) Act 2015 it is an offence:

  • to supply any liquor to a person under the age of 18 years;
  • for a person under the age of 18 years to buy or attempt to buy liquor

No person under the age of 18 will be permitted to purchase wine from Vinomofo Asia Holdings Pte. Ltd.

Name of Licensee: Vinomofo Asia Holdings Pte Ltd

Class 4 Licence No. L/LL/047229/2023/P

Class 3A Licence No. L/LL/047228/2023/P


At Vinomofo, we love our wine, but we like to also lead long and happy lives, and be good to the world and the people in it. We all try to drink responsibly, in moderation, and we really hope you do too.

Don’t be that person…

Nope, we don’t do the copyright © thing.
